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            Kachi Ghani Oil is one of the ingredients that can never be replaced in an Indian kitchen. It not only brings smiles on faces by being a part of regional delicacies, but also extends the benefits beyond the confines of a kitchen. The manufacturing process is cold and traditional, keeping all the major nutrients for the body intact. Being a rich source of MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids), it lowers bad cholesterol in the body, thus keeping a check on blood fat levels and helping in circulation. Sayings are, that it has miraculous properties and therefore is used as a remedy to treat cold, boost immunity, encourage hair growth and so on.
Sizes to suit every kitchen's needs
200 ml
500 ml
1 litre
2 litres
5 litres
15 litres
Improves blood circulation
Lowers bad cholesterol
Good source of MUFA
Pure Mustard Oil
Kachi Ghani
Anti-bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Viral properties
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